Top Left to Right: Potato Head Garage (Pacific Place), Oven Baked Apple Crumble (95k), Valrhona Chocolate Ganache Cake (80k)

Indonesia adalah negara yang kaya akan budaya. Dari Sabang
sampai Merauke, kita hidup dalam keanekaragaman yang membuat negara kita unik
tiada duanya. Indonesia juga sering menghasilkan berbagai produk dalam negeri, baik itu makanan, baju, sepatu, mainan, bahkan mobil.
Salah satu keunikan Indonesia adalah batik (Batik Madura,
Batik Jawa, Batik Bali, dll), warisan seni budaya Indonesia yang seringkali digunakan sebagai motif baju, celana, syal, dan lainnya. Baju-baju bermotif batik tersebut juga biasanya dibuat di dalam negeri. Sayangnya, sudah
mulai jarang (atau, kalau kamu sering, mungkin hanya lingkungan kita saja) ada
anak muda yang menggunakan baju bermotif batik selain untuk "Hari Batik Nasional" atau acara sekolah.
Maka, kali ini kami membuat Hari Batik sendiri, dan akan memperlihatkan bagaimana kami merangkai penampilan dengan sentuhan batik. Ayo kita tumbuhkan rasa bangga dan cinta pada produk lokal dan budaya negara kita. Produk asing memang bagus, dan kami juga sangat sering memakainya, seperti di foto-foto ini, tapi produk lokal tak kalah indahnya. Mari kita perlihatkan kebanggaan pada produk asli Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Dukung negaramu untuk maju.
Maka, kali ini kami membuat Hari Batik sendiri, dan akan memperlihatkan bagaimana kami merangkai penampilan dengan sentuhan batik. Ayo kita tumbuhkan rasa bangga dan cinta pada produk lokal dan budaya negara kita. Produk asing memang bagus, dan kami juga sangat sering memakainya, seperti di foto-foto ini, tapi produk lokal tak kalah indahnya. Mari kita perlihatkan kebanggaan pada produk asli Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Dukung negaramu untuk maju.
Indonesia is a country rich in culture. From Sabang to Merauke, we live in vast diverseness which make our country unique without compare. Indonesia also often produce lots of in country products, whether those are food, clothes, shoes, toys, or even cars.
One of the country's unique trait include batik (Batik Madura, Batik Jawa, Batik Bali, etc), the art element of Indonesian heritage commonly imprinted on clothing such as shirts, pants, scarves, and more, with the items usually produced within the country as well. However, it is sad to say that the amount of young people who use clothing with batik prints other than for "National Batik Day" or other events are decreasing (or, if it does not decrease where you are, maybe it is just our environment).
So, this time, we made our own Baitk Day, and will show you how we usually style ourselves when it comes to adding a touch of batik. Let us plant in ourselves pride and love for local products and our country's culture. Foreign products are lovely, and we do often use them, like in these pictures, but local products are just as good. Let us show our pride for the original products of Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
One of the country's unique trait include batik (Batik Madura, Batik Jawa, Batik Bali, etc), the art element of Indonesian heritage commonly imprinted on clothing such as shirts, pants, scarves, and more, with the items usually produced within the country as well. However, it is sad to say that the amount of young people who use clothing with batik prints other than for "National Batik Day" or other events are decreasing (or, if it does not decrease where you are, maybe it is just our environment).
So, this time, we made our own Baitk Day, and will show you how we usually style ourselves when it comes to adding a touch of batik. Let us plant in ourselves pride and love for local products and our country's culture. Foreign products are lovely, and we do often use them, like in these pictures, but local products are just as good. Let us show our pride for the original products of Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Shop similar styles: The Batik Scarf
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