The main exhibition housed in the Arsenale, Monditalia, has a wide scope; the exhibition showcases many different facets of Italian culture, using everything from dance performances and film clips to immigration case studies. Indonesia also has its own pavilion in the Arsenale: a dark room where short films featuring building materials are projected on several glass screens.

It's an event where one might see the kind of person I aspire to be like–that is, someone who wears things that (on someone with less flair) might look over-the-top and unsightly, and yet somehow manages to pull off the look with aplomb.
The Biennale is also full of the kind of people who move from party to party, running around on the streets with glasses of wine in their hands. Once emptied, the glasses are placed in random spots: under a bathroom sink, on the railing of a balcony, or next to the bottom step of a flight of stairs. Not once have I seen a shattered champagne flute or a shard of glass; these people are either very efficient in cleaning up or incredibly graceful drunks.
Locations, from left to right: in the Belgian pavilion; studio mk27's film installation at Palazzo Mora; Arsenale; in front of the book shop in Giardini; in front of the Venezuelan pavilion
Note: Bring sunglasses and dress in light, breezy clothes. This time of the year, the Venetian sun is unbearable.
Due to the rushing mentioned above, we weren't able to eat in amazing restaurants all the time. We did have a very good meal at this restaurant right next to Arsenale, although I can't remember what it's called. There were two other standout meals: dinner at a restaurant called Rosso Pomodoro (I loved the pizza and desserts) as well as breakfast at the Amancanal on my last day (try a set menu, or have the crab meat omelette).

If you don't get lost in it at least once, you might as well not go.
Spend at least a week in this city. This time, I spent only three days and it was far from enough. As far as holidays go, it was unsatisfying, but it is impossible to be in Venice and not for a moment feel that everything is tinged with the color of an afternoon lifted straight from a dream. You can try to think of it as a dull, unremarkable place, but the rising voices of the singing gondoliers won't let you; the age-old windows, doors and walls that shape the alleys won't let you; the water, with its deep green waves and glimmering darkness, will not let you.
Shop similar styles: The Plain White Tee
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